Electron Store Working in Dev Mode but Not in Production: The Ultimate Troubleshooting Guide
Image by Yann - hkhazo.biz.id

Electron Store Working in Dev Mode but Not in Production: The Ultimate Troubleshooting Guide

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Are you tired of banging your head against the wall because your Electron Store app works perfectly in development mode, but refuses to cooperate in production? You’re not alone! This frustrating issue has plagued many developers, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a thrilling adventure to troubleshoot and fix this pesky problem once and for all!

What’s the Deal with Electron and Production Mode?

In Electron, development mode (also known as dev mode) and production mode are two different beasts. When you run your app with electron ., it defaults to dev mode. In this mode, Electron uses the development environment, which enables features like hot reloading, debugging tools, and verbose logging.

However, when you package your app for production using tools like Electron Forge or electron-builder, the environment switches to production. In production mode, Electron optimizes your app for performance, security, and distribution. This is where the trouble begins.

Symptoms of the Issue

If your Electron Store app works in dev mode but not in production, you might experience the following symptoms:

  • Blank or white screen on startup
  • Error messages or warnings in the console
  • Crashes or freezes upon launch
  • Inconsistent behavior or missing features

Common Causes and Solutions

Let’s dive into some common reasons why your Electron Store app might not work in production mode:

1. Incorrect Packaging

When packaging your app, make sure you’re using the correct options for production mode. For example, with Electron Forge, you can use the --prod flag:

npx electron-forge package --prod

Alternatively, configure your electron-forge.config.js file to include the production environment:

module.exports = {
  // ... other config options ...
  environments: {
    production: {
      NODE_ENV: 'production'

2. Missing or Incorrect Dependencies

Verify that all dependencies are correctly installed and listed in your package.json file. In production mode, some dependencies might be missing or not properly bundled. Use tools like Webpack or Rollup to ensure all dependencies are properly included.

3. Incompatible or Outdated Dependencies

Check for outdated or incompatible dependencies that might cause issues in production mode. Use npm outdated or yarn outdated to identify outdated packages, and update them accordingly.

4. Incorrect File Paths and Configurations

In production mode, file paths and configurations might be different from dev mode. Ensure that:

  • File paths are correctly configured in your code and electron-main.js file.
  • Configurations, such as API endpoints or database connections, are correctly set for production.

5. Security Restrictions

In production mode, Electron enforces additional security restrictions, such as:

  • Sandboxing: Ensure that your app complies with Electron’s sandboxing restrictions.
  • Context Isolation: Verify that your app uses context isolation correctly.

Review the Electron documentation for more information on these security features and how to implement them correctly.

Troubleshooting Techniques

When debugging issues in production mode, it’s essential to gather more information about the problem. Here are some techniques to help you troubleshoot:

1. Enable Console Logging

In your electron-main.js file, add the following code to enable console logging:

process.env.ELECTRON_ENABLE_LOGGING = true;

This will display detailed error messages in the console.

2. Use the Electron Debugger

The Electron debugger allows you to debug your app in production mode. Run your app with the following command:

electron --inspect=5858 .

Then, open Chrome DevTools and navigate to chrome://inspect. You’ll see your Electron app listed, allowing you to debug and inspect it.

3. Create a Minimal, Reproducible Example (MRE)

Create a minimal example that reproduces the issue. This will help you isolate the problem and identify the root cause.

4. Inspect the Production Bundle

Use tools like Webpack’s --profile option or Rollup’s --stats option to inspect the production bundle and identify potential issues.

Best Practices for Electron Store Development

To avoid common pitfalls and ensure a smooth transition from dev mode to production, follow these best practices:

1. Develop with Production in Mind

Consider production mode constraints and security restrictions during development. This will help you avoid issues down the line.

2. Test in Both Dev and Production Modes

Regularly test your app in both dev and production modes to ensure consistency and identify potential issues early on.

3. Use Environment-Specific Configurations

Use environment variables or separate configuration files for dev and production modes. This will help you manage differences between the two environments.

4. Keep Your Dependencies Up-to-Date

Regularly update your dependencies to ensure you have the latest security patches and features.

5. Monitor and Analyze Production Issues

Use analytics tools and error reporting services to monitor and analyze production issues. This will help you identify and fix problems quickly.


Troubleshooting Electron Store apps in production mode can be challenging, but with the right techniques and knowledge, you can overcome common issues and ensure a smooth user experience. Remember to develop with production in mind, test in both dev and production modes, and follow best practices to avoid common pitfalls.

By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the “Electron Store working in dev mode but not in production” issue and delivering a high-quality app that delights your users.

Troubleshooting Tips Solution
Incorrect packaging Use --prod flag or configure electron-forge.config.js
Missing or incorrect dependencies Verify dependencies in package.json and use Webpack or Rollup
Incompatible or outdated dependencies Update dependencies using npm outdated or yarn outdated
Incorrect file paths and configurations Verify file paths and configurations in code and electron-main.js
Security restrictions Review Electron documentation on sandboxing and context isolation

We hope this article has armed you with the knowledge and skills to tackle the “Electron Store working in dev mode but not in production” issue and deliver a top-notch app that your users will love. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble getting your Electron store to work in production mode? You’re not alone! Check out these frequently asked questions to get your app up and running smoothly.

Why does my Electron store work in dev mode but not in production mode?

Ah, the classic dev-mode-works-but-prod-mode-doesn’t conundrum! This usually happens because of differences in how Node.js and Electron handle file systems and modules in development versus production environments. In dev mode, Electron uses the `electron` command to launch the app, whereas in production mode, it uses the `node` command. This can lead to discrepancies in how your app accesses files and modules.

How do I troubleshoot issues specific to production mode?

When troubleshooting production mode issues, try using the `electron –prod` flag to run your app in production mode locally. This will help you identify if the issue is specific to production mode. You can also examine the production build logs to see if there are any errors or warnings that might give you a hint. Additionally, ensure that your `package.json` file has the correct `main` field pointing to your app’s entry point.

What’s the deal with ASAR archives and production mode?

ASAR (Atom Shell Archive) archives are a way to package your app’s files into a single file. In production mode, Electron uses ASAR archives to bundle your app’s code and assets. This can cause issues if your app relies on file paths or uses modules that aren’t compatible with ASAR. To workaround this, you can use the `asar` module to unpack the archive or configure Electron to not use ASAR archives in production mode.

Are there any specific dependencies or plugins that might cause issues in production mode?

Yes, some dependencies or plugins might not be compatible with production mode. For example, if you’re using `electron-reload` for hot reloading, it might not work in production mode. Similarly, some plugins like `electron-builder` might have specific configuration requirements for production mode. Make sure to review your dependencies and plugins to ensure they’re compatible with production mode.

What’s the best way to optimize my Electron app for production mode?

To optimize your Electron app for production mode, focus on minimizing bundle size, optimizing asset loading, and configuring Electron for production. You can use tools like Webpack’s production mode, code splitting, and tree shaking to reduce bundle size. Additionally, make sure to configure Electron’s `nodeIntegration` and `contextIsolation` settings correctly for production mode. Finally, test your app thoroughly in production mode to catch any unexpected issues.