How can I dynamically display data in a column based on its columns?
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How can I dynamically display data in a column based on its columns?

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Hey there, developers! Are you tired of manually handling data and columns in your applications? Do you want to learn how to dynamically display data in a column based on its columns? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of dynamic data display and explore the best ways to tackle this common problem.

What’s the problem?

Imagine you’re building a web application that displays a list of users with their corresponding information, such as names, ages, and locations. You want to create a table that dynamically adjusts its columns based on the data available. For instance, if you have data for only two columns, the table should display only those two columns. If you add more data, the table should automatically add more columns. Sounds tricky, right?

Solution 1: Using JavaScript and HTML

One way to dynamically display data in a column is by using JavaScript and HTML. Here’s an example:

<table id="myTable">

  const table = document.getElementById('myTable');
  const data = [
    { name: 'John', age: 25, location: 'NY' },
    { name: 'Jane', age: 30, location: 'CA' },
    { name: 'Bob', age: 35, location: 'TX' }

  const headers = Object.keys(data[0]);
  const rows = => {
    return `<tr>${ => `<td>${row[header]}</td>`).join('')

  table.innerHTML = `<tr>${ => `<th>${header}</th>`).join('')

In this example, we’re using JavaScript to dynamically generate the table headers and rows based on the data. We first get the table element using `document.getElementById`, then define the data and headers. We use the `map` method to create an array of table rows, and finally, we set the table’s inner HTML to the generated header and row strings.

Solution 2: Using a Templating Engine

Another way to dynamically display data in a column is by using a templating engine like Handlebars or Mustache. Here’s an example using Handlebars:


  const data = [
    { name: 'John', age: 25, location: 'NY' },
    { name: 'Jane', age: 30, location: 'CA' },
    { name: 'Bob', age: 35, location: 'TX' }

  const headers = Object.keys(data[0]);
  const template = Handlebars.compile(document.querySelector('table').innerHTML);
  const html = template({ headers, data });
  document.querySelector('table').innerHTML = html;

In this example, we’re using Handlebars to define a template for the table. We then compile the template and pass in the data and headers as context. The resulting HTML is then set to the table’s inner HTML.

Solution 3: Using a Front-end Framework

If you’re using a front-end framework like React or Angular, you can dynamically display data in a column using framework-specific features. Here’s an example using React:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

const App = () => {
  const [data, setData] = useState([
    { name: 'John', age: 25, location: 'NY' },
    { name: 'Jane', age: 30, location: 'CA' },
    { name: 'Bob', age: 35, location: 'TX' }

  const [headers, setHeaders] = useState(Object.keys(data[0]));

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [data]);

  return (
        { => (
          <th key={header}>{header}</th>
      { => (
        <tr key={}>
          { => (
            <td key={header}>{row[header]}</td>

export default App;

In this example, we’re using React’s state management features to dynamically generate the table headers and rows. We define the data and headers as state variables, then use the `useEffect` hook to update the headers whenever the data changes. Finally, we use React’s virtual DOM to render the table.

Solution 4: Using a Library

If you’re looking for a lightweight solution, you can use a library like jQuery or Lodash to dynamically display data in a column. Here’s an example using jQuery:

<table id="myTable"></table>

  const data = [
    { name: 'John', age: 25, location: 'NY' },
    { name: 'Jane', age: 30, location: 'CA' },
    { name: 'Bob', age: 35, location: 'TX' }

  const headers = Object.keys(data[0]);
  const table = $('#myTable');

  $.each(headers, function(index, header) {

  $.each(data, function(index, row) {
    $.each(headers, function(index, header) {

In this example, we’re using jQuery’s `append` method to dynamically generate the table headers and rows. We first define the data and headers, then use jQuery’s `each` method to iterate over the headers and rows.


Dynamically displaying data in a column based on its columns can be achieved using various methods, including JavaScript and HTML, templating engines, front-end frameworks, and libraries. Each solution has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of solution depends on the specific requirements of your application.

By using one of these solutions, you can create dynamic and flexible tables that adapt to changing data, making your application more efficient and user-friendly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What if I have a large dataset? Will these solutions work?

A: Yes, these solutions can work with large datasets, but you may need to optimize them for performance. For example, you can use pagination or lazy loading to reduce the amount of data loaded at once.

Q: Can I use these solutions with other data structures, such as arrays or objects?

A: Yes, these solutions can be adapted to work with other data structures. For example, you can use the `map` method to convert an array of objects to an array of arrays, and then use the solution.

Q: What if I want to sort or filter the data?

A: You can add sorting and filtering functionality to these solutions by using libraries like jQuery or Lodash, or by implementing custom sorting and filtering algorithms.

Solution Description Pros Cons
JavaScript and HTML Dynamically generates table headers and rows using JavaScript Easy to implement, flexibleFrequently Asked Question

Get your answers on how to dynamically display data in a column based on its columns!

What is the best way to display data in a column dynamically based on its columns?

You can use a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to achieve this. Create a container element for your column, and then use JavaScript to dynamically add or remove elements based on the data you want to display. You can also use CSS to style your column and make it look visually appealing.

Can I use a table to display data in a column dynamically?

Yes, you can use a table to display data in a column dynamically. One way to do this is by using JavaScript to dynamically add or remove table rows and cells based on the data you want to display. You can also use CSS to style your table and make it look visually appealing.

How can I use JavaScript to dynamically display data in a column?

You can use JavaScript to dynamically display data in a column by creating a function that takes in the data as an argument, and then uses DOM manipulation to add or remove elements from the column. For example, you can use the `innerHTML` property to set the inner HTML of a container element, or use the `createElement` method to create new elements and add them to the column.

What is the best approach to handle large datasets when dynamically displaying data in a column?

When handling large datasets, it’s best to use a combination of techniques such as pagination, lazy loading, and filtering to dynamically display data in a column. This can help prevent performance issues and make the experience more user-friendly.

Can I use a library or framework to dynamically display data in a column?

Yes, there are many libraries and frameworks available that can help you dynamically display data in a column. Examples include React, Angular, and Vue.js, which provide built-in features for handling dynamic data. You can also use libraries such as jQuery or D3.js to simplify the process.