lfilter not functioning the same as filter in Matlab? Here’s What You Need to Know!
Image by Yann - hkhazo.biz.id

lfilter not functioning the same as filter in Matlab? Here’s What You Need to Know!

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Are you struggling to get the same results with lfilter in Python as you do with filter in Matlab? You’re not alone! Many developers have faced this issue, and it’s not because of a bug or a mistake. The reason lies in the fundamental differences between how these two functions work. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of digital signal processing, exploring the nuances of lfilter and filter, and providing you with the knowledge to overcome this hurdle.

What is lfilter?

lfilter is a Python function from the SciPy library, specifically designed for digital signal processing. It stands for “linear filter,” and it’s used to apply a digital filter to a signal. The function takes three main arguments: the signal to be filtered, the coefficients of the filter numerator, and the coefficients of the filter denominator.

from scipy import signal

filtered_signal = signal.lfilter(b, a, signal)

Here, `b` and `a` represent the coefficients of the filter, and `signal` is the input signal.

What is filter in Matlab?

In Matlab, the filter function is used to apply a digital filter to a signal. It’s similar to lfilter, but with some key differences. The Matlab filter function takes two main arguments: the filter coefficients and the signal to be filtered.

filtered_signal = filter(b, a, signal);

Again, `b` and `a` represent the filter coefficients, and `signal` is the input signal.

The Key Difference: Filter Coefficients

So, what’s the main reason lfilter and filter behave differently? It’s all about the filter coefficients. In Matlab, the filter function expects the coefficients to be in a particular format, which is different from what lfilter expects.

In Matlab, the filter coefficients are typically generated using the butter or ellip functions, which return the filter coefficients in a specific format. This format is compatible with the Matlab filter function.

[b, a] = butter(4, 0.2);
filtered_signal = filter(b, a, signal);

In Python, however, the lfilter function requires the filter coefficients to be in a different format. Specifically, it expects the coefficients to be in the “ba” format, where `b` and `a` are the coefficients of the filter numerator and denominator, respectively.

from scipy import signal

b, a = signal.butter(4, 0.2)
filtered_signal = signal.lfilter(b, a, signal)

Converting Matlab Filter Coefficients to lfilter Coefficients

So, how do you convert the Matlab filter coefficients to the format required by lfilter? The solution lies in the `tf2ss` function from SciPy’s signal processing library.

from scipy import signal

# Matlab filter coefficients
[b_mat, a_mat] = matlab_filter_coefficients

# Convert to lfilter coefficients
b_lf, a_lf = signal.tf2ss(b_mat, a_mat)

filtered_signal = signal.lfilter(b_lf, a_lf, signal)

In this example, `matlab_filter_coefficients` represents the filter coefficients generated using Matlab. The `tf2ss` function converts these coefficients to the “ba” format required by lfilter.

Additional Considerations

When working with lfilter and filter, there are a few additional considerations to keep in mind:

  • Signal Length: lfilter and filter expect the signal to be of a certain length. Make sure your signal is long enough to accommodate the filter’s transient response.
  • Filter Order: The order of the filter can greatly impact the results. Higher-order filters may produce better results, but they also increase the computational complexity.
  • Filter Type: There are various types of filters, such as low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, and band-stop filters. Choose the right filter type for your specific application.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

When using lfilter or filter, there are some common pitfalls to avoid:

  1. Incorrect Filter Coefficients: Make sure you’re using the correct filter coefficients for the function you’re using. Matlab filter coefficients won’t work directly with lfilter, and vice versa.
  2. Insufficient Signal Length: Ensure your signal is long enough to accommodate the filter’s transient response. Otherwise, you may get incorrect results.
  3. Incorrect Filter Order: Choosing the wrong filter order can lead to poor results or even instability in the filter.

A Comparison of lfilter and filter

Here’s a summary of the key differences between lfilter and filter:

Function Filter Coefficients Signal Length Filter Order
lfilter (Python) “ba” format (b, a) Should be long enough for transient response Can be high or low, depending on application
filter (Matlab) Should be long enough for transient response Can be high or low, depending on application


In conclusion, lfilter and filter are powerful tools for digital signal processing, but they have distinct differences in their implementations. By understanding the nuances of each function and taking into account the considerations mentioned above, you can overcome the hurdles and achieve the results you need. Remember to convert Matlab filter coefficients to lfilter coefficients using the `tf2ss` function, and be mindful of signal length, filter order, and filter type.

Now, go ahead and unleash the power of digital signal processing on your signals!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you struggling to get the same results from lfilter as you do from filter in Matlab? You’re not alone! Here are some common questions and answers to help you troubleshoot the issue:

Q: Why does lfilter produce different results than filter in Matlab?

A: One key difference between lfilter and filter in Matlab is how they handle the initial conditions. lfilter assumes zero initial conditions, whereas filter in Matlab uses the first few elements of the input signal as initial conditions. To get the same results, you need to set the initial conditions manually for lfilter.

Q: How do I set the initial conditions for lfilter?

A: You can set the initial conditions for lfilter by using the `zi` argument, which stands for “zero-input” response. This allows you to specify the initial conditions as an array of values that will be used to start the filtering process. For example, `lfilter(b, a, x, zi=zeros(1, max(len(b), len(a))-1))`.

Q: What’s the deal with the `axis` argument in lfilter?

A: In Matlab, the `filter` function operates along the first non-singleton dimension of the input array. In contrast, `lfilter` operates along the specified axis (default is -1, which means the last axis). Make sure to specify the correct axis for your input data to get the expected results.

Q: How do I handle complex coefficients with lfilter?

A: Unlike Matlab, `lfilter` doesn’t support complex coefficients directly. To work around this, you can filter the real and imaginary parts of the signal separately using `lfilter` and then combine the results. Alternatively, you can use the `scipy.signal.lfilter` function, which does support complex coefficients.

Q: Are there any performance differences between lfilter and filter in Matlab?

A: Yes, `lfilter` is generally faster and more efficient than `filter` in Matlab, especially for large datasets. This is because `lfilter` is implemented in C and uses optimized algorithms, whereas `filter` in Matlab is a higher-level function that may involve more overhead.