Unlocking the Secrets of the Program Counter: A Step-by-Step Guide to Reading it through Assembly Code in 68k Microcontrollers
Image by Yann - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Secrets of the Program Counter: A Step-by-Step Guide to Reading it through Assembly Code in 68k Microcontrollers

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In the world of microcontrollers, the program counter (PC) is the heart that keeps everything ticking. It’s the register that keeps track of the current instruction being executed, and understanding how to access and manipulate it is crucial for any serious programmer. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of 68k microcontrollers and explore how to read the program counter through assembly code.

What is a Program Counter?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of reading the program counter, let’s take a step back and understand what it is. The program counter, also known as the instruction pointer, is a register that holds the memory address of the current instruction being executed by the CPU. It’s like a bookmark that keeps track of where the CPU is in the program, allowing it to fetch and execute the next instruction.

Why is the Program Counter Important?

The program counter is essential for the CPU to execute instructions correctly. Without it, the CPU wouldn’t know where to fetch the next instruction from, and the program would come to a grinding halt. Moreover, understanding how to access and manipulate the program counter is crucial for debugging, optimizing, and even exploiting vulnerabilities in software.

How to Read the Program Counter in 68k Microcontrollers

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s get our hands dirty and learn how to read the program counter in 68k microcontrollers using assembly code.

Assembly Code Basics

Before we dive into the code, let’s cover some basic assembly code concepts:

  • MOV: Moves data from one register to another or from memory to a register.
  • LDR: Loads data from memory into a register.
  • STR: Stores data from a register into memory.
  • LEA: Loads the effective address of a memory location into a register.

Reading the Program Counter

To read the program counter in 68k microcontrollers, we can use the MOV instruction to move the contents of the program counter into a register. Here’s an example:


In this example, we’re moving the contents of the program counter (PC) into register D0. The .L suffix indicates that we’re moving a longword (32-bit) value.

Understanding the Program Counter Value

When we read the program counter, we get a 32-bit value that represents the memory address of the current instruction. This value is a combination of the program counter and the status register. Here’s how to break it down:

Bits 0-15 Bits 16-23 Bits 24-31
Program Counter (PC) Status Register (SR) Unused

In this table, bits 0-15 represent the program counter, bits 16-23 represent the status register, and bits 24-31 are unused.

Example Code: Reading and Displaying the Program Counter

Let’s put it all together with an example code snippet that reads the program counter and displays its value:

ORG  $1000

  MOV.L  PC, D0        ; Read program counter into D0
  LEA.L  STRING, A0    ; Load address of string into A0
  MOV.L  D0, (A0)      ; Store program counter value into string
  JMP   START          ; Loop back to START

  DC.B 'Program Counter: $'


In this code, we’re reading the program counter into register D0, loading the address of a string into A0, and storing the program counter value into the string. The string is then displayed on the screen.


Reading the program counter through assembly code in 68k microcontrollers is a fundamental skill that every serious programmer should know. With this knowledge, you can debug, optimize, and even exploit vulnerabilities in software. Remember to always follow best practices and use caution when working with assembly code.

Additional Resources

If you’re new to assembly programming or want to learn more about 68k microcontrollers, here are some additional resources:


Frequently asked questions about reading the program counter in 68k microcontrollers:

  1. Q: What is the program counter?

    A: The program counter is a register that holds the memory address of the current instruction being executed by the CPU.

  2. Q: Why is the program counter important?

    A: The program counter is essential for the CPU to execute instructions correctly and is crucial for debugging, optimizing, and exploiting vulnerabilities in software.

  3. Q: How do I read the program counter in 68k microcontrollers?

    A: You can read the program counter using the MOV instruction, moving the contents of the program counter into a register.

By mastering the art of reading the program counter in 68k microcontrollers, you’ll unlock new possibilities in the world of assembly programming. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of 68k microcontrollers and uncover the secrets of reading program counters through assembly code!

What is the program counter in a 68k microcontroller, and why do I need to read it?

The program counter (PC) is a register that stores the memory address of the current instruction being executed in a 68k microcontroller. Reading the program counter allows you to keep track of the program’s flow, detect errors, and even implement debug mechanisms. It’s essential for understanding and controlling the program’s execution!

What assembly language instruction can I use to read the program counter in a 68k microcontroller?

You can use the MOVE assembly language instruction to read the program counter. Specifically, the instruction `MOVE PC,D0` will move the contents of the program counter (PC) into register D0. This allows you to access and manipulate the program counter value as needed!

How can I use the read program counter value in my assembly code?

Once you’ve read the program counter value into a register (e.g., D0), you can use it for various purposes, such as storing it in memory, comparing it with a specific value, or using it as an offset for indexing. For example, you could use the PC value to store the current program address in a memory location for later use!

Are there any specific considerations I should keep in mind when reading the program counter in a 68k microcontroller?

Yes! When reading the program counter, remember that it stores the address of the current instruction, which means it will always point to the next instruction to be executed. Also, be aware of the pipeline effects, as the PC value might not reflect the current instruction being executed due to the microcontroller’s pipeline architecture. Keep these nuances in mind to avoid potential pitfalls!

Can I modify the program counter value directly in my assembly code?

In most cases, it’s not recommended to modify the program counter value directly, as it can lead to unpredictable behavior and potentially crash the program. Instead, use jump instructions (e.g., JMP, BRA, or BSR) to control the program flow. These instructions will safely update the program counter, ensuring that your program executes correctly!

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