Link not rendered as button in Quarto reveal.js: Unraveling the Mystery
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Link not rendered as button in Quarto reveal.js: Unraveling the Mystery

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Are you tired of clicking on links that look like plain text instead of stylish buttons in your Quarto reveal.js presentation? Well, you’re not alone! Many users have struggled with this issue, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a quest to solve this conundrum once and for all.

What’s going on?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s understand why this issue occurs in the first place. Quarto reveal.js uses Markdown syntax to render links, which can sometimes lead to links being displayed as plain text instead of buttons. This is because the Markdown parser gets confused when it encounters certain characters or formatting, causing the link to be rendered incorrectly.

The Culprits

So, what are the common culprits that cause links to not render as buttons in Quarto reveal.js? Let’s take a look:

  • []() syntax: Using the []() syntax to create links can sometimes cause issues, especially when the link text contains special characters.
  • Inline HTML: Mixing inline HTML with Markdown syntax can lead to rendering issues, including links not displaying as buttons.
  • URL encoding: URLs containing special characters or spaces can cause Quarto reveal.js to misinterpret the link, leading to plain text rendering.
  • Link text formatting: Using Markdown formatting, such as bold or italic text, within the link text can also cause issues.


Now that we’ve identified the culprits, let’s dive into the solutions to get those links rendered as beautiful buttons!

Method 1: Use the `` Tag

One way to ensure links are rendered as buttons is to use the `` tag with the `class` attribute set to `btn`. This method provides more control over the link formatting and ensures consistency across your presentation.

<a href="" class="btn">Visit Example Website</a>

If you’re using the `[Link Text](url)` syntax, make sure to:

  • Avoid using special characters in the link text, such as `!`, `@`, or `#`.
  • URL-encode any special characters in the URL itself.
  • Use quotes around the link text if it contains spaces or special characters.
[Visit Example Website](

Method 3: Use a Markdown Extension

Quarto reveal.js supports various Markdown extensions, including the `link_attributes` extension. This extension allows you to add attributes to links, including the `class` attribute, which can be set to `btn` to render the link as a button.

[Visit Example Website]({: .btn}

Troubleshooting Tips

Still having trouble getting your links to render as buttons? Here are some additional troubleshooting tips:

  1. Check your Markdown syntax for errors or typos.
  2. Verify that the link URL is correct and functioning properly.
  3. Try rendering the link in a different slide or section to isolate the issue.
  4. Use the browser’s developer tools to inspect the HTML element and identify any potential issues.

Button-ific Conclusion

And there you have it, folks! With these solutions and troubleshooting tips, you should now be able to render links as beautiful buttons in your Quarto reveal.js presentation. Remember, it’s all about understanding the syntax, avoiding common pitfalls, and using the right tools to get the job done.

Method Syntax/Example
Method 1: Use the `` Tag <a href="" class="btn">Visit Example Website</a>
Method 2: Use the `[Link Text](url)` Syntax with Care [Visit Example Website](
Method 3: Use a Markdown Extension [Visit Example Website]({: .btn}

By following these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to creating engaging, interactive presentations that will leave your audience in awe. Happy presenting!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about “Link not rendered as button in Quarto reveal.js”!

Why is my link not rendering as a button in Quarto reveal.js?

This is likely due to the fact that you haven’t specified the `.button` class in your link. By default, Quarto reveal.js doesn’t render links as buttons unless you explicitly add the `.button` class to the link element. Simply add `class=’button’` to your link, and voilĂ ! Your link should now be rendered as a beautiful button.

How do I add the `.button` class to my link in Quarto reveal.js?

Easy peasy! You can add the `.button` class to your link by wrapping the link text in a `` tag with the `class` attribute set to `button`. For example: `Click me!`. Alternatively, you can also use Markdown syntax by adding `{.button}` after the link text, like this: `[Click me!]({.button}`.

What if I want to customize the appearance of my button in Quarto reveal.js?

You can customize the appearance of your button by adding additional classes to the `.button` class. For example, if you want a primary button, you can add the `.primary` class: `Click me!`. You can also add other classes like `.success`, `. warning`, or `.danger` to change the button’s color and style. Check out the Quarto reveal.js documentation for more information on available classes.

Can I use HTML to style my button in Quarto reveal.js?

Absolutely! You can use HTML and CSS to customize the appearance of your button. Just wrap your link text in a `` tag and add any CSS styles you like. For example: `Click me!`. You can also add an `id` or `class` attribute to the `` tag and define your styles in a CSS file.

Why isn’t my button working as expected in Quarto reveal.js?

Don’t panic! If your button isn’t working as expected, check that you’ve added the `.button` class correctly and that your link is properly formatted. Also, make sure that you’re running the latest version of Quarto reveal.js. If you’re still having trouble, try checking the Quarto reveal.js documentation or seeking help from the community forums. Happy troubleshooting!

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