Do I Need the `languageOptions.globals` Field in ESLint Flat Config When Using TypeScript-ESLint?
Image by Yann -

Do I Need the `languageOptions.globals` Field in ESLint Flat Config When Using TypeScript-ESLint?

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When it comes to configuring ESLint with TypeScript, things can get a bit tricky. One of the most common questions developers ask is whether they need to include the `languageOptions.globals` field in their ESLint flat config. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of ESLint and TypeScript to give you a clear answer.

What is ESLint Flat Config?

Before we dive into the specifics of `languageOptions.globals`, let’s take a step back and discuss what ESLint flat config is.

ESLint flat config is a way to configure ESLint using a single configuration file. This file contains all the rules, plugins, and settings you need to customize ESLint’s behavior. With flat config, you can simplify your ESLint setup and make it easier to manage.

What is TypeScript-ESLint?

TypeScript-ESLint is a plugin that allows you to use ESLint with TypeScript. It provides a set of rules and integrations that help you catch errors and enforce coding standards in your TypeScript projects.

TypeScript-ESLint is essential when working with TypeScript because it allows you to leverage the power of ESLint’s linting capabilities, while still taking advantage of TypeScript’s type system.

What is `languageOptions.globals`?

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s talk about the `languageOptions.globals` field.

`languageOptions.globals` is a configuration option in ESLint that allows you to specify global variables that should be ignored by the linter. This field is particularly useful when working with legacy code or third-party libraries that declare global variables.

In a standard ESLint configuration, you can add the `languageOptions.globals` field to your `eslintrc.json` file like this:

  "languageOptions": {
    "globals": {
      "jQuery": true
  "rules": {
    // your rules here

In this example, we’re telling ESLint to ignore the `jQuery` global variable. This means that ESLint won’t throw an error if you use `jQuery` without declaring it.

Do I Need `languageOptions.globals` with TypeScript-ESLint?

Now, let’s get to the million-dollar question: do you need the `languageOptions.globals` field when using TypeScript-ESLint?

The short answer is: no, you don’t need `languageOptions.globals` with TypeScript-ESLint.

TypeScript-ESLint provides its own way of handling global variables through the `globals` option in the `tseslint` configuration. You can add this option to your `eslintrc.json` file like this:

  "extends": "eslint:recommended",
  "plugins": {
    "@typescript-eslint": true
  "parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser",
  "rules": {
    // your rules here
  "globals": {
    "jQuery": true

In this example, we’re telling TypeScript-ESLint to ignore the `jQuery` global variable. This is equivalent to using the `languageOptions.globals` field in a standard ESLint configuration.

By using the `globals` option with TypeScript-ESLint, you can take advantage of the plugin’s built-in support for global variables. This makes it easier to manage your global variables and ensures that they’re properly ignored by the linter.

Advantages of Using `globals` with TypeScript-ESLint

Using the `globals` option with TypeScript-ESLint has several advantages:

  • Simplified configuration**: You don’t need to worry about adding a separate `languageOptions.globals` field to your configuration. Instead, you can simply add the `globals` option to your `eslintrc.json` file.
  • Better integration with TypeScript**: The `globals` option is specifically designed to work with TypeScript, which means you get better integration and support for TypeScript-specific features.
  • Easier management of global variables**: With the `globals` option, you can easily manage your global variables and ensure that they’re properly ignored by the linter.

Common Scenarios Where You Might Need `languageOptions.globals`

While you don’t need the `languageOptions.globals` field with TypeScript-ESLint, there are some scenarios where you might still want to use it:

  1. Legacy code**: If you’re working with legacy code that uses global variables, you might need to use the `languageOptions.globals` field to ignore those variables.
  2. Third-party libraries**: If you’re using third-party libraries that declare global variables, you might need to use the `languageOptions.globals` field to ignore those variables.
  3. Custom plugins or rules**: If you’re using custom plugins or rules that require access to global variables, you might need to use the `languageOptions.globals` field to configure those plugins or rules.


In conclusion, you don’t need the `languageOptions.globals` field when using TypeScript-ESLint. Instead, you can use the `globals` option provided by the plugin to manage your global variables. This provides better integration with TypeScript and makes it easier to manage your global variables.

By following the instructions in this article, you can simplify your ESLint configuration and take advantage of the powerful features provided by TypeScript-ESLint. Happy coding!

Scenario Use `languageOptions.globals` Use `globals` with TypeScript-ESLint
Standard ESLint configuration
TypeScript-ESLint configuration
Legacy code or third-party libraries
Custom plugins or rules

Note: indicates that the option is recommended, while indicates that it’s not recommended.

Frequently Asked Question

If you’re using TypeScript with ESLint, you might be wondering about the role of `languageOptions.globals` in your flat config. Here are some answers to your burning questions!

What is the purpose of `languageOptions.globals` in ESLint?

The `languageOptions.globals` field in ESLint allows you to specify global variables that should be ignored by the linter. This is particularly useful when working with external libraries or custom scripts that define global variables.

Do I need to define `languageOptions.globals` when using TypeScript with ESLint?

Not necessarily! When using TypeScript, the type checker can often infer the types of global variables, making the `languageOptions.globals` field redundant. However, if you have specific global variables that aren’t defined in your TypeScript config, you might still need to define them in `languageOptions.globals`.

How does `languageOptions.globals` affect TypeScript ESLint rules?

The `languageOptions.globals` field can influence the behavior of certain ESLint rules, such as `no-undef`, which warns about undefined variables. By defining global variables in `languageOptions.globals`, you can prevent false positives from ESLint rules that rely on the global scope.

Can I use `languageOptions.globals` in conjunction with TypeScript’s `global` keyword?

Yes, you can use both `languageOptions.globals` and TypeScript’s `global` keyword together. The `global` keyword allows you to define global variables within your TypeScript code, while `languageOptions.globals` provides a way to configure ESLint to recognize those globals.

What happens if I omit `languageOptions.globals` from my ESLint config?

If you omit `languageOptions.globals` from your ESLint config, the linter will default to warning about any undefined global variables. This can lead to false positives if you have global variables that aren’t defined in your TypeScript config. In such cases, defining `languageOptions.globals` can help you avoid unnecessary warnings.

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